[unknown button type]

Manual Installation

Here is a basic set of dependencies that you will need to install before you can install RabbitVCS. The actual package names are different for each distribution, for comparison we've listed the package names for Ubuntu in the table below.



Program Ubuntu package Description Version
nautilus-python python-nautilus Python binding for Nautilus >= 0.5.0
PyGTK python-gtk2 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set >= 2.12.1
GObject python-gobject Python bindings for the GObject library >= 2.14.1
ConfigObj python-configobj Simple but powerful config file reader and writer for Python >= 4.4.0
Dbus Python dbus-python Python bindings for dbus >= 0.80
Meld meld A graphical tool to diff and merge files >= 1.1.2
simplejson simplejson A json library for python any


Program Ubuntu package Description Version
gtkspell bindings python-gtkspell Python binding gtkspell ?


Program Ubuntu package Description Version
PySVN python-svn Alternative Python interface to Subversion >= 1.5.2
Subversion subversion A version control system >= 1.4.6

Git (for v0.14beta+)

Program Ubuntu package Description Version
dulwich python-dulwich A pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols. >= 0.6


Download the tarball archive, extract the files then in the console type:

sudo python setup.py install

Then look in the clients folder and read the README file for each client/plugin to learn how they are installed.