Table of Contents

Installation on Ubuntu

You can install from our PPA, our tarball archive, or directly from our Subversion repository. Users new to Ubuntu should use the PPA option.

Adding the PPA

Karmic and later

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rabbitvcs/ppa

Hardy, Intrepid and Jaunty

Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (signing key=1024R/34EF4A35):

deb **DISTRIBUTION** main

Installing RabbitVCS

You can use Synaptic to install packages or the command line. If you are using Synaptic, just search for the packages listed below. On the command line, you need to update your software package repositories with:

sudo apt-get update

And install it with:

sudo apt-get install «packages»

…where packages are

If you are using the Xubuntu distro, then you probably only have Thunar installed (without Nautilus). Besides rabbitvcs-thunar and rabbitvcs-cli, you also need to install an extra package.

After installation is complete, logout and log back in for changes to take effect.

From the Tarball

Installing from our distributed tarball is relatively straightforward on Ubuntu. First, make sure you install all dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python-nautilus python-configobj python-gtk2 python-glade2 python-svn python-dbus python-dulwich subversion meld

Then download the tarball and from the top folder type:

sudo python install --install-layout=deb

Once that is done working, look in the clients folder and read the README file for each client/plugin to learn how they are installed.

Note: In order to get the menu to show up in the Nautilus right click menu, you may need to restart Nautilus which may require you to log out and log back in of your desktop environment (see the FAQ).

From our Git Repository

Installing from git is relatively straight-forward. First, install the dependencies listed above, then follow our developer installation instructions.