Table of Contents

Installation on Gentoo

RabbitVCS is in Gentoo portage since 2010-10-26 (thanks to Rion and Gentoo devs). So the installation is quite usual.

From the Portage (preferable way)

emerge rabbitvcs

Check USE flags before, may be you will find something useful for you, like “cli” interface.

From the Tarball

RabbitVCS has several dependencies that may or may not be easy to setup on Gentoo. For a list of generic programs and libraries that must be installed, see our Minimum Requirements. You will need to determine the correct Gentoo packages for each listing.

One you have satisfied all dependencies, download the tarball and from the top folder type:

sudo python install

Once that is done working, look in the clients folder and read the README file for each client/plugin to learn how they are installed.

From our Subversion Repository

Installing from trunk or from a branch is relatively straight-forward. First, install the dependencies listed above, then follow our developer installation instructions.